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Privacy policy

TrannyLadies  cannot ensure or guarantee privacy for website users. It is therefore recommended that this service not be used for the transmission of confidential information. Any such use shall be at the sole risk of the user, and TrannyLadies and its affiliates/related companies shall be relieved of all liability in connection therewith.  You agree website uses best-effort security measures to protect and prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under Site control. TrannyLadies uses industry standard efforts to safeguard the confidentiality.

1. Use of your information

  • You authorize TrannyLadies, to collect from any party and to retain all relevant information relating to your use of the Site, such as  (but not limited to) your profile info, IP addresses and cookies. A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's computer tied to information about the use. Most advanced web sites collect this sort of information. You understand and agree that unless you notify TrannyLadies to the contrary by e-mailing us, you further authorize us to use this information for internal purposes (for example for improving service / targeting profile searches / etc) .
  • You agree and understand submitting your legal name and other personal details to the Site will most likely be found when people look you up via search engines. If you then ask TrannyLadies to remove your profile because it is being found via search engines, TrannyLadies' sole responsibility is to remove the profile when a valid request has been received. TrannyLadies has no control over how or for how long search engines cache this information and has no responsibility to remove your information from the various search engines.
  • You may contact TrannyLadies to have your profile removed. TrannyLadies will remove the profile when a valid request has been received (request must originate from registering email) within a reasonable time-frame.
  • As a registered member you agree TrannyLadies can send you a periodic email about informational updates and promotional offers. Any emails sent from TrannyLadies will always originate from a TrannyLadies.info address.
  • You agree that TrannyLadies will not be held responsible for any unwanted contact as a result of information you submit to your profile.
2. Disclosure of your information
  • TrannyLadies will NOT sell or rent any personally identifiable information about you to any third party without your permission. 
  • TrannyLadies reserves the right to disclose your personally identifiable information as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on our Web site.
  • TrannyLadies  may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on our behalf. These companies may employ cookies and action tags (also known as single pixel gifs or web beacons) to measure advertising effectiveness.
1st of May,  2012

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Important information

I created this website for people who want to participate in transgender related world. You are encouraged to use all features of the website.

Please note, this site currently doesn't allow any explicit / nude images! While you can still publish sexy photos, any explicit photo will be deleted without a notice. So keep it sane please.

For those who want to publish erotic photos, a new feature will come that will allow showing such images only to users who wish so (a setting in your profile).