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Fetish night
  • Location: Hide Map COVER PLACE Freyova 27/82, kousek dopředu!, 190 00 Prague, Czech Republic
  • Starts on: 11/30/2014 04:00 AM
  • Created by: Betty

Fetish night


Párty plná sexy i krutých show. Na dvou scénách vás čekají latex & fetish fashion show, bondage, body mody, S/M performance. Sami si můžete pohrát v play areně.


Fetish Stage:
AdeMa fetish fashion
Fashion by Adrienne, latex & corsets
Piranha Latex Couture

BDSM Stage
Bondage Entreé by Edna & AneaCapaken
Best of DeSade v podání týmu Písklat
Hellshow v kombinaci s přehlídkou Sharene latex
SM Show v podání Leathers.cz

Sanctuary.cz DJ Crew

Afterparty: Muchacho R0b0t0




Party full of sexy and even cruel shows! Two scenes with latex and fetish fashion show, bondage, body mods and S/M performances. You can also have fun in play arena.


Fetish Stage:
AdeMa fetish fashion
Fashion by Adrienne, latex & corsets
Piranha Latex Couture

BDSM Stage
Bondage Entreé by Edna & AneaCapaken
Best of DeSade by Písklata
Hellshow with Sharene latex fashion show
SM Show by Leathers.cz

Sanctuary.cz DJ Crew

Afterparty: Muchacho R0b0t0




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Important information

I created this website for people who want to participate in transgender related world. You are encouraged to use all features of the website.

Please note, this site currently doesn't allow any explicit / nude images! While you can still publish sexy photos, any explicit photo will be deleted without a notice. So keep it sane please.

For those who want to publish erotic photos, a new feature will come that will allow showing such images only to users who wish so (a setting in your profile).