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Mezipatra Queer Film Festival Prague
  • Location: Prague, Czech Republic
  • Starts on: 11/06/2014 05:46 PM
  • Created by: Betty

Mezipatra Queer Film Festival Prague


Kolem stovky špičkových filmů s gay, lesbickými, bisexuálními, trans a queer tématy s mezinárodní soutěží + výstavy, odborné přednášky, workshopy, diskuze a parties + 110 000 hetero i homo diváků a divaček v 10 městech ČR.

Do pojmu queer se vejdou všichni, komu jsou tradiční genderové kategorie těsné bez ohledu na sexuální orientaci nebo pohlavní identitu, se kterou se narodili. Queer osvobozuje od tradičního vnímání sexuálních a genderových identit založených na neměnných kategoriích muž / žena, heterosexuální / homosexuální.



What is Mezipatra? Around a hundred top-ranking films on lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and queer themes+ an international competition+ exhibitions, lectures, workshops, discussions and parties+ 95 000 viewers, both gay and straight, in ten different cities in the Czech Republic

What is queer? The term queer includes anybody who feels traditional gender categories to be inadequate, regardless of their sexual orientation or the sexual identity they were born with. It liberates us from traditional notions of sexual and gender identity based on the fixed categories of man/woman, heterosexual/ homosexual.

How can I take part? Mezipatra welcomes volunteers, sponsors also of individual films and members of the preparation team.



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I created this website for people who want to participate in transgender related world. You are encouraged to use all features of the website.

Please note, this site currently doesn't allow any explicit / nude images! While you can still publish sexy photos, any explicit photo will be deleted without a notice. So keep it sane please.

For those who want to publish erotic photos, a new feature will come that will allow showing such images only to users who wish so (a setting in your profile).