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Bratislava Freedom Night
  • Location: LOFT Továrenská 14, 811 09 Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Starts on: 09/14/2014 05:00 AM
  • Created by: Betty

Bratislava Freedom Night

Freedom Night se po prázdninové pauze vrací zase za hranice k našim slovenským sestrám! Připravte si střevíčky, ať máte co protancovat. Sejdeme se v klubu Loft druhou sobotu v září 13.9., připravte si 5 éček a těšit se můžete nejen na osvědčenou dvojici eLLy d & Henriette... Tentokrát vám navíc přivezeme oblíbenou českou rapperku SHARKASS se svojí freestyle show!



Freedom Night is coming back to our slovakian sisters after the summer break! Get your boots ready so that you can dance them through. Meetting the 2nd Saturday in September, the 19th, get your 5 ready and look forward to your favourite DJs duo eLLy d & Henriette and what more? Favorite czech rapper lady Sharkass with her freestyle show.



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Important information

I created this website for people who want to participate in transgender related world. You are encouraged to use all features of the website.

Please note, this site currently doesn't allow any explicit / nude images! While you can still publish sexy photos, any explicit photo will be deleted without a notice. So keep it sane please.

For those who want to publish erotic photos, a new feature will come that will allow showing such images only to users who wish so (a setting in your profile).