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FREE LIVE TRANNY CAMS from around the world. No credit card no email needed.
Stunning big busted TS girls, androgynous girls, amateur crossdressers. All you need to chat with stunning trans girls is to register. No credit card, no email needed!
News: 06/11/2017

Scheduled maintanance - moving to a new server

Scheduled maintanance - moving to a new server
Dear visitors and registered members, I'd like to inform you about scheduled maintance on 15.th of June 2017 (starting 10:00 PM, ending 11:00 PM).

Why are you doing this?
I'm moving the whole TL website to a new server, which will provide better performace (faster response/loading).

How will this affect us - users?
For a limited period of approx. 1 hour you will not be able to log into your account and all website URLs will be redirected to a placeholder page. 

Will this affect my account?
No, your data stays intact.

What should I do if I experience any problem?
The transition should be smooth, but don't hesitate to contact me if any issues occur.


  • S radosťou oznamujem, že migrácia na nové server bola úspešná.

  • I'm happy to announce migration to new servers for was successful.

Member login

Important information

I created this website for people who want to participate in transgender related world. You are encouraged to use all features of the website.

Please note, this site currently doesn't allow any explicit / nude images! While you can still publish sexy photos, any explicit photo will be deleted without a notice. So keep it sane please.

For those who want to publish erotic photos, a new feature will come that will allow showing such images only to users who wish so (a setting in your profile).