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Big weekend out
  • Miesto: Pink Punters, 2 Watling Street, Fenny Stratford, Milton Keynes, Buckinhamshire, MK2 2BS , UK
  • Začína: 09/13/2014 07:00 PM
  • Autor: Betty

Big weekend out

If you plan on attending The Big Nite Out on Friday 12th September, why not extend your weekend and join us on Saturday 13th September! By the time you're up and ready to face the day, our marketplace will provide a wide cross-section of quality goods and services that we're sure you'll be delighted with. Entrance is FREE!

An ideal opportunity to see and perhaps buy lots of different products from wigs to shoes, with everything in between.

If you haven’t been to the club, this gives you a chance to have a look at the facilities. The changing rooms and lockers will be available if you do want to get changed and perhaps visit one of the make-over artistes, perhaps get some pics.

You're always guaranteed a warm welcome at Pinks and our 'Big Weekend Out' promises to be another great event.


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Dôležitá informácia

Vytvorila som túto stránku pre ľudí, ktorí patria do transgender komunity alebo sú ich spriaznené duše. Ste vítaní a budem rada ak sa budete podieľať na komunitnom živote na Tranny Ladies aj mimo neho. Buďte sami sebou!

Vezmite prosím na vedomie, sexuálne explicitné fotografie sem nepatria! Môžete  publikovať sexy fotky ale len v rámci zdravého úsudku. Pre tých, ktorí chcú publikovať erotické fotky, bude pridaná neskôr možnosť, ktorá umožní zobrazenie takýchto snímok pre užívateľov, ktorí si to želajú (nastavenie v profile).