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Annual Potluck Dinner
  • Miesto: TransCentralPA - MCC of the Spirit, 2973 Jefferson St, Harrisburg, PA 17110, US
  • Začína: 12/14/2014 01:28 AM
  • Autor: Betty

Annual Potluck Dinner

TransCentralPA will be providing the plates, napkins, utensils, table cloths, cups and two main entrées, one meat and one vegan. Plan on a serving size for 4-6 people (12 if you sign up for rolls/bread or water). If needed, please bring a serving utensil for your dish as well. The church has limited oven space, so please plan accordingly. And please, NO alcohol--the MCC does not permit it.

We have an electronic sign-up sheet so everyone can advertise what side-dish, desert or drinks they are bringing. If you are unable to bring something, that's OK, just let us know that you plan to attend so we can include you in our headcount to ensure adequate seating. We hope you can join us! As we said, EVERYONE is invited, so please bring your friends and family. Email us with questions at

for sign up and more info visit:


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Dôležitá informácia

Vytvorila som túto stránku pre ľudí, ktorí patria do transgender komunity alebo sú ich spriaznené duše. Ste vítaní a budem rada ak sa budete podieľať na komunitnom živote na Tranny Ladies aj mimo neho. Buďte sami sebou!

Vezmite prosím na vedomie, sexuálne explicitné fotografie sem nepatria! Môžete  publikovať sexy fotky ale len v rámci zdravého úsudku. Pre tých, ktorí chcú publikovať erotické fotky, bude pridaná neskôr možnosť, ktorá umožní zobrazenie takýchto snímok pre užívateľov, ktorí si to želajú (nastavenie v profile).